If from what I gather Portland has become, I wouldn’t worry. You must have had a very high IQ to start with, in order to maintain any equilibrium living in your saddened city. You are still higher than most. Must be your interactions and fortitude from being on GAW! 😁
GTA is bad for fluoride, too. I’ve been doing what I can to take as much of it out of my and my hubby’s life, whilst educating others on its dangers. Every little bit helps, right?
That's really weird because when I was there a little over a decade or so ago (roughly), I remember seeing a big advert on the side of a building proclaiming that Portland residents voted to not fluoridate their water. Boy how things have changed since then....
No wonder I am a brain_dead. Portland water all fluoride.
Hey, you’re on GAW so you can’t be that brain dead. No stupid people here! Lol
If from what I gather Portland has become, I wouldn’t worry. You must have had a very high IQ to start with, in order to maintain any equilibrium living in your saddened city. You are still higher than most. Must be your interactions and fortitude from being on GAW! 😁
GTA is bad for fluoride, too. I’ve been doing what I can to take as much of it out of my and my hubby’s life, whilst educating others on its dangers. Every little bit helps, right?
GTA = Grand Theft Auto or Greater Toronto Area? This is a worldwide movement and most people associate GTA with a video game franchise.
Either works. 😁
100% correct, every little bit helps. I moved out of Portland a while back.
CA1, what are you referring to when you say "GTA"?
Greater Toronto Area.
I am gone from there. All my family still there. Yes.
Moved 2 years ago to Midwest.
It used to be good. Too many commies now.
That's really weird because when I was there a little over a decade or so ago (roughly), I remember seeing a big advert on the side of a building proclaiming that Portland residents voted to not fluoridate their water. Boy how things have changed since then....
No voting allowed. Mail in ballots for a long time so they installed whatever agendas they want.