I would like to ask some additional prayers for my family today. We just found out that my husband has prostate cancer. They will do additional testing to see if it has metastasized. I know there have been many posts on studies and protocols for the alternative treatment of cancer...including prostate. I have a lot in my saved files, which are not organized, so if you have anything handy, I would appreciate the info. I am also looking to get an upgraded zapper...if not now...when. I would like to do alternative treatment once we find out exactly what we are dealing with...but basically the call will be his on what he does...so pray he chooses alternative...
I would still ask that you pray for my daughter Christina...this has been a very challenging week, but she is almost at the halfway mark...I ask especially prayers for for 3 year old Emilia, who is still sick and is struggling quite a bit with mom disappearing...their family also needs prayers because Christina's counseling is now dealing with family issues...which is always tough...
I thank the GAW family for their generosity in spending time at the throne of grace on behalf of my family...even though this feels overwhelming, I know that God is faithful and will see us through everything...God bless you all...
Yeah...feeling slightly overwhelmed...it HAS to get better...right??? I sure hope this is the valley and not the top of the mountain....thanks for the prayers...
Yes, valley. Went thru my own about 15 years ago. Seriously thot my life was over. God showed up in big ways, little ways and everything in between. He showed up in ways that nobody would believe if you told them. Looking back I’m amazed.
Sucks that you all are going thru this…but there will be blessings, changes and prolly personal miracles. God really is faithful. And prayer can move mountains.
Best piece of advice I got when walking thru my valley:
Just keep living…until you learn to live again. (And I did.)
Hang in there. Hugs, fren.
A big hug back...it is so good to receive such encouragement...it is amazing how we have all walked these valley paths...but this is where you see God work, so it is worth it in the end. God has his work cut out for my family...but then again that is what he does best...loves us unconditionally and desires that we grow spiritually...God is good...all the time...
Yes…sad that we humans seem to only grow and change thru pain. But valleys end up being glorious if we have the right attitude/perspective. Hard to understand that unless you’ve been thru it.
Will keep you in my prayers. I’ll be waiting for a praise report.
May the Lord of Glory keep you and yours safe. You are worth more than many sparrows. 🤗