Damn straight, God bless our amazing and legitimately elected President Of The United States!
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Intimidation is really all they have. We just have to refuse the fear which is what intimidation is. Fear is not of God. He is our Strength. DJT is our voice. But we have to use our own voices too.
My President is not timid, he's bold.
Therefore intimidation does not work on him. He knows the Truth and TRUTH will set him free.
May God fortify him and travel with him through the storm.
Thank You, Lord, for traveling with us all through the storms. Thank you for the needed vision and pace required. In Jesus' powerful name, Amen.
He's not the type to involve peace loving people in his battles! He would never hide behind women and children like Antifa! All they do is intimidate with thinly veiled threats and vague insinuating rhetoric. It's pathetic and shows they're scared. Trump is the picture of calm and poise. He speaks measured and precise. Fearless. Bold, and no, not timid my dear. Not timid at all.