"The greatest patriot in history", really? Greater than George Washington who literally had multiple horses shot from under him while leading revolutionary armies? I don't think so. Trump couldn't even be bothered to make a statement regarding the J6 prisoners. The greatest shitposter in American history, maybe.
Amen. I pray this is the first thing he does when he returns to office. God bless and protect him.
Under-dooted comment. Doing my part. Kek!
Lionizing a Populist.... what could go wrong!?!
We will give him 4 more years to finish cleaning up the swamp - woe unto any creature that stood against him.
"The greatest patriot in history", really? Greater than George Washington who literally had multiple horses shot from under him while leading revolutionary armies? I don't think so. Trump couldn't even be bothered to make a statement regarding the J6 prisoners. The greatest shitposter in American history, maybe.
Ironically I agree with your sentiments about George Washington... hard on horses, yet great for Our Country. Cheers, fren!
This is truly a World Wide attempt at genocide. As far as our Forefathers Jefferson was my favorite.
@superspazzy - why are you here? you disagree with almost everyone here? Just askin', before down-dootin'...
You disagree with disagreement?
I just find certain Pepe's are disagreeable... you may be one of them, and it makes me curious...
It's possible, maybe probable even that most of my posts are in disagreement. I generally don't feel a need to post a response expressing agreement.