posted ago by SocratesKnowsNothing ago by SocratesKnowsNothing +26 / -1

There have been some good posts about protesting peacefully and keep keen eye for glowies and antifa squids, which advice I applaud and echo. Personally however I can't bring myself to get worked up enough to physically protest because I firmly believe this is all a show. I do also believe that the show requires patriots to act, but not convinced that physical protests are the key. Helpful no doubt and perhaps I should physically protect, but can't help but think there must be something more impactful we can do.

Having read through some earlier posts I came across at least one where it's alleged that on March 21st patriots are going to protest with there wallets. I don't think zn exact dates matters, but should be soon. I say take all of your money out of your big bank! This seems a brilliant idea that forces the cabal's hand. Will they disallow bank withdrawals or live with the dire consequences? Either response does some very serious waking up of the sheeple. And don't get me wrong, it won't be painless for us either, but I think we can agree that this house of cards needs to come down.

Once the sheeple get word of the bank runs they will join in because they're selfish narcissists, or maybe just because it seems the logical thing to do. Either way this will hopefully prevent the cabal from using withdrawal activity to blackball persons as "extreme far right terrorists".

Coincidentally, as a result of the latest bank debacles I looked into a safer place for my Citizens Bank deposits which are significant enough that $250k FDIC ain't cutting it. Anywho, I had already been planning to transfer the lion's share of my funds to a local bank that has a "DIF" insurance in addition to FDIC which is designed to cover 100% of all deposits.

This is an excerpt from a promotional email a bank I use sent to me that got me on this train:

"Almost a century ago the Massachusetts Legislature formed the DIF to ensure that Massachusetts community bank customers were 100% insured. The DIF continues to covers savings banks and co-operative banks in Massachusetts, including Everett Bank. Take comfort in our assurance that your deposits are fully covered because there is no safer place for your money than DIF insured community banks like Everett Bank. Once again......"No depositor has ever lost a penny in a bank insured by both the FDIC and DIF”."

I can't speak to your area and local banks or other places to park your money, but I say let's make our voices heard VERY LOUDLY by withdrawing our money from these cabal run banks and burn the MFer down!

Good luck pedes