The reason for asking is that there appears to be a lot of effort to contain the price of gold right now, which means someone has to be selling.
Since no-one in their right mind will be selling real gold right now, logically they must be creating more paper gold to sell on the market.
It isn't that hard to work out.
[They] control 99.99% of the above ground physical gold and ALL of the mining companies.
The retail market plebs hold [their] paper.
There is only one store of value that [they] have not been able to get [their] blood stained hands on in any significant way.
I refuse to shill and tell you what that is. You are a pede researcher, find out for yourself what the hardest money in history is.
I don't believe you will find any "public records" relating to the paper gold market.
It is true that those powers at be use the paper gold market to suppress and manipulate the price of gold, but this has been going on for decades.
My guess is that the actual price is kept low while the bigger fish accumulate at said lower prices.
There is way more paper gold than real gold. As long as they have enough physical gold to handle all the small transactions of the physical gold they can get away with it.