Aww your so awesome. Thank you sis. I'm really excited to get it and see it. Will definitely reach out right when I get it. Also excited for the podcast. I can feel's gonna be a good one. Thanks again for your willingness. Love u sis
Keep questioning maybe it will lead u to understanding. Jesus Christ is King. The mods are awesome at making sure religion doesn't disrupt the purpose of this board. They also realise the things are heavily tied together. It's a balancing act and they do an awesome job. Your In the tiny minority on this one friend
I didn't say u claimed that. I was simply giving u my understanding. Many here aren't American either. God has really brought together a world wide movement. Glad to have u here and I hope In time u will begin to see the truth that is Jesus Christ.
May I ask what u believe in, have u ever had any beliefs. If so what happened. Just trying to learn more about u. I understand if u don't wanna share. Would love to talk more if ur willing
Sweden ain't really a very religious country, even though we have a lot of Christian values.
Currently we're having a huge problem with Islam pushing itself into the country, and politicians have let it happen. Luckily we've had a change of government as of last year, so maybe we'll start seeing slow changes towards the better.
I do find religion intriguing, and I love the aesthetic of churches and do enjoy visiting them here in Sweden, but I'm not a believer or a follower. I don't really believe in anything specific, since I have never felt that I needed to believe in a higher power to push myself or feel loved.
I do find some parts of the Q plan becoming a bit too silly when people push a religious belief behind it. I don't think what Trump and the American people need are prayers, they need people who act, and can do things.
I know that not everyone have the ability to make any bigger changes and act, but I don't think people should fool themselves or fool others that prayers will do anything for Trump or other people.
I am a Christian but the push for theocracy here is concerning. I had someone say teenagers who have sex should be killed. Everyone seems ok with full abortion bans even when most of them ban abortion even in the case of rape or incest.
More or less my understanding too.
I don't post a whole lot, and I do question the narrative a lot (specially when it comes to religious speech that people spam on this website.)
Jesus loves you.
Yes he does 😁❤️🙏
Your box is ready to go. I’ll be sending it out in the next couple weeks. Just giving you a heads up.
Aww your so awesome. Thank you sis. I'm really excited to get it and see it. Will definitely reach out right when I get it. Also excited for the podcast. I can feel's gonna be a good one. Thanks again for your willingness. Love u sis
But that means as much to me as warning me to be careful walking over the road because an unicorn will run me over.
I understand. The deep state has expended significant ammo suppressing the truth about many things.
Keep questioning maybe it will lead u to understanding. Jesus Christ is King. The mods are awesome at making sure religion doesn't disrupt the purpose of this board. They also realise the things are heavily tied together. It's a balancing act and they do an awesome job. Your In the tiny minority on this one friend
But I never claimed I was in a majority.
I'm not even American.
I'm just speaking my piece, whether my opinion is popular or not.
I didn't say u claimed that. I was simply giving u my understanding. Many here aren't American either. God has really brought together a world wide movement. Glad to have u here and I hope In time u will begin to see the truth that is Jesus Christ.
May I ask what u believe in, have u ever had any beliefs. If so what happened. Just trying to learn more about u. I understand if u don't wanna share. Would love to talk more if ur willing
I'm Swedish.
Sweden ain't really a very religious country, even though we have a lot of Christian values.
Currently we're having a huge problem with Islam pushing itself into the country, and politicians have let it happen. Luckily we've had a change of government as of last year, so maybe we'll start seeing slow changes towards the better.
I do find religion intriguing, and I love the aesthetic of churches and do enjoy visiting them here in Sweden, but I'm not a believer or a follower. I don't really believe in anything specific, since I have never felt that I needed to believe in a higher power to push myself or feel loved.
I do find some parts of the Q plan becoming a bit too silly when people push a religious belief behind it. I don't think what Trump and the American people need are prayers, they need people who act, and can do things.
I know that not everyone have the ability to make any bigger changes and act, but I don't think people should fool themselves or fool others that prayers will do anything for Trump or other people.
I am a Christian but the push for theocracy here is concerning. I had someone say teenagers who have sex should be killed. Everyone seems ok with full abortion bans even when most of them ban abortion even in the case of rape or incest.
It is very troubling