Cracking the code - the fascinating truth about taxation in America
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Great stuff! Ty OP. I'm going through this to beef up my 2 cases against the IRS. One is payroll tax, and the other is usurpation of Constitutional authorities. Both contingent in case the IRS gives me standing which they are currently avoiding by giving me money.
Some sauce I found in 1913 Congressional record:
General approach to payroll tax W-2 correction and challenge letter:
I believe I had sent this to you when we chatted a while back. (I was the one who asked about 4852’s)
I’m glad you find it useful.
Yes. Ty again. Been working through the Congressional Record after I finally found a copy.
Hey man, how you doing. Hope all is well.
I came across a couple videos by Irwin Schiff that talks about a zero return. Thought it might be of interest to you.
I keep thinking about a meme I saw a few days ago. The Rockwell type scene with a man saying, "If you can just print money, why am I paying taxes?"
242 pages. Thousands more can be written about all the details of the tax law down to their most obscure sub paragraphs.
I think the point of this document is to point out that most of the "tax law" is actually unconstitutional, and if you attack from above via Constitutional Law perspective, you can ignore most of the IRS code because the IRS does not have Congressionally approved authority to create laws, nor Judicial authority to impose fines. (Ref. W. Virginia v EPA, 2022 SCOTUS ruling)
Plus payroll tax is theft of property in the form of a Federal direct tax on "labor capital" which is explicitly NOT ALLOWED per our Constitutional national/Federal dual sovereignty structure.
Note that theft of property is actually a Constitutional violation as well.