I have no doubt that Hunter was drugged, Such a feat would be as easy as stealing candy from a baby. Tell us something we don't know. Also, if some Russian/Kazakh person offered one unlimited drugs in a foreign hotel (until one passed out), one would expect them to drain one's laptop, or one's wallet, or both.
Cry me a river, for some junkie.
Nevertheless, what follows is just nonsense: Giuliani being in contact with a Russian asset for over 15 years, Detoxing from MAGA etc. etc. COPE and SPIN.
Russia, russia, russia cope.
I have no doubt that Hunter was drugged, Such a feat would be as easy as stealing candy from a baby. Tell us something we don't know. Also, if some Russian/Kazakh person offered one unlimited drugs in a foreign hotel (until one passed out), one would expect them to drain one's laptop, or one's wallet, or both.
Cry me a river, for some junkie.
Nevertheless, what follows is just nonsense: Giuliani being in contact with a Russian asset for over 15 years, Detoxing from MAGA etc. etc. COPE and SPIN.
Trying to figure out if the OP is really on our team or not. Deport?
Some people post stuff here to illustrate the leftie cope, not to amplify it. So, just have a look at OP's other posts.