They say x, ask for where they heard about x. They say from y news organization, ask the source for y. If they say z, if z is actually an actual document or otherwise, ask them where in z does y claim x is true.
If z is just another news organization, keep going until they provide (or don't provide) an actual document. If they can't procure an actual document, send it yourself. If z is just another video cIip, ask them for the whole video. Provide them the entire video if they can't.
Do not try to antagonize. Just simply ask the questions as if you were trying to understand their point of view, to learn something we might not have heard.
Not long ago, as in 10-20 years tops, there were dudes who liked to dress up like women. Most of them looked ridiculous, though some were a bit convincing. They were called cross-dressers or transvestites.
Still, most normal people just thought it was funny. Odd, but funny. There was no indication that they wanted to indoctrinate anyone else.
But now, they have crossed the line, and they have become criminals.
I no longer support them at all, and I only support pushing them back into the closet.
They went too far, and it is their own damn fault.