I'm sorry, but I don't see too much of bashing in of tranny's heads for their beliefs. Thus, this society is accepting of it. Do I like the pedo crap being shown in our schools by the trannys, NO! But until we get laws on the books saying trannys are illegal then this society will accept it. Once the laws are on the books then the trannys will be sent off to prison. This will happen, but it is a slow process with a lot of vocal pushback from the left. Patience is the friend of the traditional family and America has show enournmous resistence towards being aggressive towards the left. That will change and when it does being on the left will result in some hardtimes.
I'm sorry, but I don't see too much of bashing in of tranny's heads for their beliefs. Thus, this society is accepting of it. Do I like the pedo crap being shown in our schools by the trannys, NO! But until we get laws on the books saying trannys are illegal then this society will accept it. Once the laws are on the books then the trannys will be sent off to prison. This will happen, but it is a slow process with a lot of vocal pushback from the left. Patience is the friend of the traditional family and America has show enournmous resistence towards being aggressive towards the left. That will change and when it does being on the left will result in some hardtimes.