Although this is heartbreaking...what an outstanding video. Much of what she says coincides with the other video by a transperson that was popular a couple of weeks ago...exposing the lies of the transgender community.
The acceptance that there can be but two genders...determined biologically at birth...would make this all go away. When did that truth become compromised...
It was hijacked ever so slowly...taking God and prayer out of schools, destabilizing the family, hijacking school curriculum, accepting then forcing acceptance of alternative lifestyles...beginning with gays, making everything mainstream and acceptable and finally infiltrating every facet of society with perversion churches, trans story hour, gay/trans military, gay/trans "families" able to adopt....etc...
It has been a slow descent into hell...but that is where we are...can we roll back the clock to restore sanity and Godliness? Are there more of us than there are of them? Our immediate hope is the truth of God's Word which stands against all life at a time if necessary...God is the only answer as this girl found out...
Although this is heartbreaking...what an outstanding video. Much of what she says coincides with the other video by a transperson that was popular a couple of weeks ago...exposing the lies of the transgender community.
The acceptance that there can be but two genders...determined biologically at birth...would make this all go away. When did that truth become compromised...
It was hijacked ever so slowly...taking God and prayer out of schools, destabilizing the family, hijacking school curriculum, accepting then forcing acceptance of alternative lifestyles...beginning with gays, making everything mainstream and acceptable and finally infiltrating every facet of society with perversion churches, trans story hour, gay/trans military, gay/trans "families" able to adopt....etc...
It has been a slow descent into hell...but that is where we are...can we roll back the clock to restore sanity and Godliness? Are there more of us than there are of them? Our immediate hope is the truth of God's Word which stands against all life at a time if necessary...God is the only answer as this girl found out...