Remember when all the major players were to be arrested (or cloned??) & either sent to Gitmo or executed, well, do you remember how the rumour even started, and the promises it made? This is how they "get you." The dates pass with nothing, but the beliefs "slide" on into the narrative! STAY CAREFUL!

I mean… when you see this video of Hillary who definitely appears to be in handcuffs.. it was hard not to believe some of these things.
There’s no way all these gaurds , SS whoever were there blocking the view because she was falling , where the hell are they when fake Hillary , Theresa is openly strolling the street with glasses on ,, what a joke ! So she needs 20 getting into a van to be safe but 2 while walking freely down the street , yeah right ,,, wonder who was in that van who made her freak like a cat seeing a Doberman at a window! !
Jon jon
Damn , that would do it and would make me happy ! It was or is or maybe not such a drag that they killed him too ! That one really hurt and I think why so many of us still hope ,, in the back of car is a great thought !!
Yup the one she contracted a hit on
Yeah, looked real, and was that a double or clone who exited? kek