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I am going to leave it at this.
Your thoughts will not serve you or other white people. In fact... you pointing this out will only serve to destroy the minds of other white people. These thoughts have little to no value.
If you like pushing fear and anger. Then I suggest you keep telling other whites this.
You are being disingenuous, you know perfectly well that 8% is catastrophic and that there is a definite trend with war targeting specific regions. You ask for facts? Study WW1 and 2 in depth. It's right in front of you.
You think making the prime audience (Anglos) aware of a global genocide is spreading fear when in reality it might stop support for the war, ending it altogether.
But sure, keep playing the Pied Piper and lead the last of the retches into the pits. That 13 year old boy dancing in drag in front of a crowd of colorful pedos is just a taste of the dystopian future that awaits.
More fear-mongering I see. Keep pushing fear, Mr. Cabal.
There it is. No push from you to stop the war, not even acknowledgement of the many facts I pimped smacked your ass mightily with.
Only a flaccid and pathetic attempt to slander my character.
Bring facts disputing my WW1,2, and soon to be 3, or kindly fuck right off with that faggot cabal shit.
How are you wanting us to stop the war? Are you a part of the movement or what?
Most of us believe the white hats are handling the war aspects. We are here to counter the deep-state lies. Which is why I started to make videos.
I am joining the information war.
What else do you want here?
Ahh.. I noticed that you said "playing the Pied Piper". What you are "hinting at" is that we need to have a physical war to STOP them right??
Yeah... you might be a Cabal agent pushing war.