posted ago by PepeSee ago by PepeSee +29 / -1

From @GusQuixote on TS:



Eugene Yu's dropped criminal case in Los Angeles County has continued logging hearings since the appearance at which Yu was released of all charges.


Just in the last few months, two former Konnech employees and the investigator of the Konnech servers in the criminal case have entered affidavits in @greggphillips and @truethevote's civil case (yes, the one where the judge threw a tantrum and threw them in prison for a week).


The LA County investigator, Harry Haury, is an NSA vet with over 25 years experience. He says in his affidavit:

  1. It's the worst breach of sensitive he has ever seen in his experience

  2. confirmed all of the accusations of the data being stored in China, the software being developed and run from China, and

  3. Yu was involved in developing and working WITH the Chinese government on their own election systems.

  4. There was a massive effort to cover it up.


Former Employee Grant Bradley says in his that:

  1. He was told to cover it up,

  2. He was told other companies like Microsoft and Apple all do this same thing

  3. He was asked to make a contribution to Jocelyn Benson and be compensated by Yu


Former AUSTRALIA employee Peter McAllister offers:

  1. Almost all of Konnech Australia's work was done overseas and particularly that all development was done in China.

  2. Yu lied to McAllister about their Chinese operation ending its partnership

  3. Yu reaffirmed the notion that "everyone else does it" to McAllister

  4. Yu has control over the programmers in China

  5. Luis Nabergoi confirms Jun Yu as Eugene Yu's brother, and corroborates the coverup


(Images only)


These affidavits came before a response to Yu's filing after the Motion to Inspect, filed by True The Vote in the Texas federal civil case (yes the one where the judge threw a tantrum and threw Phillips and Engelbrecht in jail for a week)

More or less, the Defendants (TTV) correctly argue that everything Yu has claimed thusfar has already been shown to be a lie, manipulation, or downright destruction of evidence and obstructing investigations.


If you'd like to read more on this, visit my Substack, or check out True The Vote's (pleasantly, recently cleaned up) site for the filings at truethevote.org/news/!



