And the narrative that these latest protests are over nothing but raising the pension age goes up in smoke. This narrative was released so that the protesters could be smeared as socialists pissed about thier place on the government tit. It was always about far more than that. It has all been about :
“When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government”
The French may not know the words but they live the fight.
The problem being that other countries politics is pretty opaque to us here in America. There are many cultural and historical ambiguities that we will never understand fully.
And the narrative that these latest protests are over nothing but raising the pension age goes up in smoke. This narrative was released so that the protesters could be smeared as socialists pissed about thier place on the government tit. It was always about far more than that. It has all been about :
The French may not know the words but they live the fight.
That's what I thought but haven't heard anyone discuss the real reason(s).
The problem being that other countries politics is pretty opaque to us here in America. There are many cultural and historical ambiguities that we will never understand fully.