Tokugawa is generally celebrated as a national hero, but his shogunate essentially created the first 15-minute towns. The entire nation was divided up into fiefs, and no one could legally travel outside of one's own fief without specific permission from the shogunate, etc. The common folk literally could not travel.
The entire Japanese nation (and people) were in lockdown for centuries. There were of course many positive aspects in their lives, but the entire system was all set up to prevent any possible regime change.
Well, change DID come, at the time of the Meiji restoration. Interesting movie (fiction) set at that time, worth watching. The Last Samurai - Tom Cruise.
Tokugawa is generally celebrated as a national hero, but his shogunate essentially created the first 15-minute towns. The entire nation was divided up into fiefs, and no one could legally travel outside of one's own fief without specific permission from the shogunate, etc. The common folk literally could not travel.
The entire Japanese nation (and people) were in lockdown for centuries. There were of course many positive aspects in their lives, but the entire system was all set up to prevent any possible regime change.
Well, change DID come, at the time of the Meiji restoration. Interesting movie (fiction) set at that time, worth watching. The Last Samurai - Tom Cruise.