Israel is facing exactly what we have been dealing with since 2020, the extreme Liberal Left have been pushing LBGTQ type reforms and indoctrinating Israel’s youth. After Netanyahu was elected his Conservative Admin and have been working toward and wanted to reform their Judicial System. Currently only their Supreme Court can pick/place court judges. Netanyahu wants the elected Reps or their Parliament to do this instead, due to the Supreme Court being long more Liberal leaning and Only installing very liberal judges. The majority of the people want this older process to end as well.
But in wanting to reform the Judicial System, the left have encouraged the protests in that Netanyahu and the Parliament are trying to “end Democracy”. Where have we heard this before hmmm?! During the US Spring and Summer of 2019 and 2020 as the DemoLibs attempted to derail Trump, and prep to cheat in the 2020 election. Like the US, Like Brazil, Like Canada, Like France, Like Greece, Like Italy, Like Hong Kong, now Israel is facing and fighting head on, the Socialists/Cabal.
Sorry for the FluffTube video but this was the most up to date report from Amir Tsarfati, from 2 hours ago as of my typing this 8:55pm PST, March 26, 2023
I agree Netanyahu hasn’t always been very Democratic towards things, but he was in fact willing to work openly with Trump on a 2-State plan, though it met Liberal opposition and failed, as the Palestinian Bureaucrats want the Israelis completely out. Though common Israeli and Palestinian people get along fine. Keep in mind too, The Cabal is ever so divisive in nuclear power countries. Why? Because they have the power to Force global change, and the Cabal is stopping at nothing to gain all the Countries it can, to weigh against China and Russia, as a threat. Of course if Anons research deeper into modern culture, Russia and China are fighting the Cabal just as heavily as the rest of the conservative world. Now Israel is finally joining that fray.
China is the cabal mold that the rest are to follow. What crack you smoking that tells you China is fighting them. Maybe XI was at some point. But the CCP is 100% cabal control command position.
Drugs are something I avoid Anon. But I certainly do both economic and cultural research. There is more to Xi and their culture than meets the eye. The common Chinese don’t want to dominate the world. The middle class and many wealthy Chinese are enjoying the economic growth. None of them want this destroyed or halted. Xi himself does not wish to be a pawn or puppet of the WEF. The questions arise at the ultra rich Chinese and inside their long Communist Established military complex. That’s where the embedded Cabal issue lies, and the Cabal is certainly good at funneling money to anyone that shares their agenda to buy off or “appear” to buy off other bureaucrats and Nation States.
Trump himself has never stated Xi is dangerous, nor Putin. Wonder why…. Dig deeper Anon.
I know the Drop. Trump might be coordinating with XI and Putin against the NWO. But we don’t know if that is necessary miss information like the other Drop says. China is cabal stronghold. North Korea used to be. Russia I’m not sure. I think Putin might be another Pablo Escobar, someone who started out doing things to help his countrymen and ended up being another face of the evil he was trying to eliminate.
Putin evil is an MSM talking point haha. He is far from that when he just wants Russian people to be free to be Russian people, without CRT and LBGTQ Socialists destroying his Nation. Xi still wants 1China, inside China. NK, though doing thing backwards, still wants to be left alone. Brazil was hoping to be Brazil, just like Spain is currently good at just taking care of Spain. The US also has its own internal issues that have been Cabal and DemoLib ignored, while in turn trying to usurp “friends” for the WEF in every other industrialized Nation.
Trump is 100% correct in the US needs to worry only about the US for a solid period, instead of fighting to worry about the rest of the world due to Green-Agenda and Globalist BS.
The End Won’t Be For Everyone.