No secret here, just a gross misunderstanding of reality.
You think the universe is deterministic, it's not. We have free-will and choose what to believe. If you want to reject God when presented with every opportunity to accept Him, well, you get what you deserve. What we all deserve. Your main problem is your deep misunderstanding of sin, of the nature of God, and of justice.
You could right now choose to earnestly seek out God or simply choose to believe. You probably won't because you think you are smarter than your creator, but that is as always your choice.
I'll tell you a little secret.
Our beliefs are not the product of desire or will alone. They're the product of circumstance and experience.
Belief is the lotto and rewarding/punishing anyone based on it, is unjust.
You and your god don't even understand the simple fundamentals on how humans function. It's a bit embarrassing for you all.
Anyway, I'm moving on.
No secret here, just a gross misunderstanding of reality.
You think the universe is deterministic, it's not. We have free-will and choose what to believe. If you want to reject God when presented with every opportunity to accept Him, well, you get what you deserve. What we all deserve. Your main problem is your deep misunderstanding of sin, of the nature of God, and of justice.
You could right now choose to earnestly seek out God or simply choose to believe. You probably won't because you think you are smarter than your creator, but that is as always your choice.