Who is funding the transsexual assault on society? These people are very dangerous and are mentally ill. How dangerous are they? We are starting to see only the beginning of their terrorism. It is nothing new. They were used against Christianity in the 1945-1960s in eastern Europe by the Bolshevik communists to exact revenge against the Christians of eastern Europe and to topple Christain based society.. Read Louis Marschalko's "The World Conquerors" to learn the censored story of Christians being lit on fire, tortured, beaten, and murdered by the tens of thousands when transsexuals, pedophiles, lesbians, and sodomists were appointed commissars in eastern Europe. Biden has done the same by by appointing these sick individuals in positions of power. Look at what we have in our current government. It may be laughable to some, but don't underestimate this.... It's not a joke. With power, comes the ability to abuse such power. The danger we are facing is real.
Who is funding the transsexual assault on society? These people are very dangerous and are mentally ill. How dangerous are they? We are starting to see only the beginning of their terrorism. It is nothing new. They were used against Christianity in the 1945-1960s in eastern Europe by the Bolshevik communists to exact revenge against the Christians of eastern Europe and to topple Christain based society.. Read Louis Marschalko's "The World Conquerors" to learn the censored story of Christians being lit on fire, tortured, beaten, and murdered by the tens of thousands when transsexuals, pedophiles, lesbians, and sodomists were appointed commissars in eastern Europe. Biden has done the same by by appointing these sick individuals in positions of power. Look at what we have in our current government. It may be laughable to some, but don't underestimate this.... It's not a joke. With power, comes the ability to abuse such power. The danger we are facing is real.
The same people funding the tranny agenda , funded feminism, gay rights, LGBT. And on deck cannibalism, animal fucking, necrophilia.
who? and why are we not allowed to name them?