That's funny. My in-laws are brain-washed lefties with TDS. We play spades and euchre with them. They viscerally hate GEOTUS but have to say the word "trump" every time we play. Love the grimaces. Can't wait for the I told you so's. Sorry, not above that.
LOL. Play the card game Bridge with them too if you can. "Trump" is the most powerful. And you can constantly say "I Trump that" or "what's Trump again?" several times in a single hand. That'll kick their TDS into overdrive.
And if you REALLY want to put them in a TDS coma, bring this game to your next get-together:
That's funny. My in-laws are brain-washed lefties with TDS. We play spades and euchre with them. They viscerally hate GEOTUS but have to say the word "trump" every time we play. Love the grimaces. Can't wait for the I told you so's. Sorry, not above that.
LOL. Play the card game Bridge with them too if you can. "Trump" is the most powerful. And you can constantly say "I Trump that" or "what's Trump again?" several times in a single hand. That'll kick their TDS into overdrive.
And if you REALLY want to put them in a TDS coma, bring this game to your next get-together: