And don't forget that modern numerals were far in the future when the Bible was written. Arabic numerals and decimal representation was invented several centuries afterward, so all these mysterious groupings are after the fact coincidences.
Just because someone "understands" Gematria doesn't mean that it makes a lick of sense. Modern art, anyone?
It is also based on a cycle of 60 and does not use Arabic numerals, so the coy 999 = inverted 666 is just a child's game. Thanks for not disputing that point.
Which doesn't change the fact that the numerals 666 were never used in the Bible and therefore inversion to 999 makes no Biblical sense. You don't seem to understand the distinction between "math" and numerical systems. Welcome to computation using Roman numbers.
And don't forget that modern numerals were far in the future when the Bible was written. Arabic numerals and decimal representation was invented several centuries afterward, so all these mysterious groupings are after the fact coincidences.
Just because someone "understands" Gematria doesn't mean that it makes a lick of sense. Modern art, anyone?
The Babylonian numerical system is 5000 years old, but please continue...
It is also based on a cycle of 60 and does not use Arabic numerals, so the coy 999 = inverted 666 is just a child's game. Thanks for not disputing that point.
Yes, the jews learned their talmudic kabbalah from the Babylonians who invented math 5500 years before Arabs figured it out.
Doesn't change the fact that freemasons study Gematria based on jewish kabbalah and use it in their public mass rituals.
Which doesn't change the fact that the numerals 666 were never used in the Bible and therefore inversion to 999 makes no Biblical sense. You don't seem to understand the distinction between "math" and numerical systems. Welcome to computation using Roman numbers.