You do have a good argument. I assumed Mcain was just really old. As to the retirements I attributed it to they know nobody wants their kind anymore because of dwindling popularity. Cuomo probably knew more dirt would come up and ducked out while he could.
This Hobbs thing was a while back and she still seems to be undeterred. I've seen a lot of the boot club keep doing their thing.
I'll try and keep an open mind but I think at this point, sometimes people just roll their ankle. I appreciate the thorough, detailed response.
You do have a good argument. I assumed Mcain was just really old. As to the retirements I attributed it to they know nobody wants their kind anymore because of dwindling popularity. Cuomo probably knew more dirt would come up and ducked out while he could.
This Hobbs thing was a while back and she still seems to be undeterred. I've seen a lot of the boot club keep doing their thing.
I'll try and keep an open mind but I think at this point, sometimes people just roll their ankle. I appreciate the thorough, detailed response.
Could just be a rolled ankle. The timing could be complete coincidence.
But I don’t like coincidences.