For me it was Evergreen College. (I hope I'm getting that right). I remember watching the videos and thinking "Man they are in for a major wake up call", but then that didn't happen. Instead the faculty just caved and acquiesced to absolute imbeciles.
I remember thinking "What the hell are the faculty doing?!" They need to expel these morons!
Then I saw this Jordan Peterson video (can't find the original, but this is the video) And thought "wow, a voice of reason!" but instead he was attacked.
I was asleep a long time, I just didn't care about politics. I was entirely unaware of the lying media.
Politics to me was "boring and irrelevant". Every politician that came to power never really affected me. I'd see cries of "The economy is doing horrible" and I did not see any difference whatsoever. The economy is doing great vs the economy is doing horrible looked identical to me.
The first time a politician actually had an affect on my life was Obama, with "Obama Care". Suddenly my insurance shot up in price and absolutely sucked. I'm off on a tangent and this is before I noticed "Wokeness", but I have seen it infect everything now. My job, my kid's school, the job's of everyone I know, and the nation as a whole.
When did you start to notice it?
Ten years ago. I was too distracted with school, work, and ex girlfriends before that. Went out with this hot med student, when I told her my dad was the stay at home parent while I was growing up, she still tried to twist what I said as being misogynistic, like the idea that I thought that was different meant they hadn’t come far enough?
She also got mega offended by a beer event specifically aimed towards women, something I’ve seen other women clamor for. Oh, and she said she quote, “never had a boyfriend” but I’m pretty sure both she and her friend were trying to bang me at first…
They’re both outspoken, leftist activist abortion doctors now. I matrix dodged many bullets then.