I have jury duty next month. Commiefornia. They said masks, and I’m saying see ya never with that “rule”. Not complying for a corrupt court, or anyone / thing. What happens when I show up and do not Wear one? Of which book of law is that in? Id like to know. And who wrote it. The ones punishing, and “take me to your leader” is what I’ll say. Especially if I choose to half wear one just until in the courtroom. In the middle of it all. Take it off. Leave it off. Wonder what would legally happen and media tabloid would happen. Nice place to protest mandates while breaking zero laws. News worthy. 👀🤔🤔🤔
If you want to do it, go for it. If not, this works like a charm: Just tell them you WANT to be on jury duty because you strongly support the police in all matters and feel law enforcement is getting a raw deal from BLM and blacks in general; and that you look forward to scumbag criminals being on trial for their crimes, so you can lock them up and throw away the key.
I think like you. 👍 But, I tried that once...even told them how my dad is a detective. Guess what? The prosecution wanted me in the jury so badly after that. I guess they fought hard to keep me.
I ended up being an alternate jurer and had to sit through the long case, unable to voice my opinion at the end. Ughh! And, I was pregnant then, and nausious the whole time.
I have jury duty next month. Commiefornia. They said masks, and I’m saying see ya never with that “rule”. Not complying for a corrupt court, or anyone / thing. What happens when I show up and do not Wear one? Of which book of law is that in? Id like to know. And who wrote it. The ones punishing, and “take me to your leader” is what I’ll say. Especially if I choose to half wear one just until in the courtroom. In the middle of it all. Take it off. Leave it off. Wonder what would legally happen and media tabloid would happen. Nice place to protest mandates while breaking zero laws. News worthy. 👀🤔🤔🤔
If you want to do it, go for it. If not, this works like a charm: Just tell them you WANT to be on jury duty because you strongly support the police in all matters and feel law enforcement is getting a raw deal from BLM and blacks in general; and that you look forward to scumbag criminals being on trial for their crimes, so you can lock them up and throw away the key.
I think like you. 👍 But, I tried that once...even told them how my dad is a detective. Guess what? The prosecution wanted me in the jury so badly after that. I guess they fought hard to keep me.
I ended up being an alternate jurer and had to sit through the long case, unable to voice my opinion at the end. Ughh! And, I was pregnant then, and nausious the whole time.
What if you identify as wearing a mask?
Please report back on what happens.