You misunderstood. This is someone that's pleased that any and all former heads of state can go to jail for their crimes now. You and this person both want politicians held to account. This is a great thing. ALL politicians that break the law need to go to jail. I don't care if ones my Grandma, or anyone else. If they break a law they answer for it. Bring on ALL OF THEM NO MATTER THEIR POLITICAL PERSUASION.
Anyway, the tweet agrees with you. Don't let the second line throw you off the fact you got what you wanted.
I swear some of the most retarded shit comes out of Reddit
Let them have their ignorance. Shows that none of them have ever seen a BOOMERANG. Boomerangs are HUNTING weapons.
The HUNTERS will become the HUNTED
You misunderstood. This is someone that's pleased that any and all former heads of state can go to jail for their crimes now. You and this person both want politicians held to account. This is a great thing. ALL politicians that break the law need to go to jail. I don't care if ones my Grandma, or anyone else. If they break a law they answer for it. Bring on ALL OF THEM NO MATTER THEIR POLITICAL PERSUASION. Anyway, the tweet agrees with you. Don't let the second line throw you off the fact you got what you wanted.
Pretty much my response too. I agree.
I wonder how many AI bots they have on reddit