I have a very, very uncomfortable feeling that we as a society are about to jump off a massive cliff
It's extremely unsettling. We're pushing closer and closer to some kind of a drop off. I don't know how it will land and how long the drop is. But it's not a good feeling.
This isn't blue-pill, or red-pill or black-pill. Just that I'm watching my beloved country disintegrate and seeing the world come to take a collective dump on itself. It's very very unnerving.
In Cali schools in the 80s, I was taught at a youngish age about the fall of the Roman empire. Teacher at the time warned us not to expect the US to last much longer considering how each empire falls in its time, and that we are lucky to have made it a couple hundred years. That teacher and many of her friends bet it would be in our lifetime. I remember thinking how impossible it sounded. But then I got to looking around and realized they've been trying to make that happen since its inception. All it takes is enough apathy on one side, and the other side pushing that big red button.