The supreme ideology of the left seems to be self identity. It is who you are, there is no reason to challenge it, and it must be celebrated.
If being born gay means you should celebrate it, being born a pedophile shouldn't be shamed either. White people are somehow inherently racist, and there is nothing they can do about it. They were born that way. What a stupid ideology.
We are all born as fallen sinners in need of redemption. We should not take pride in our sin.
democrats can tell someone is racist just by looking at someone's skin color
They love the Jews, Blacks, Asians, and hate the Arabs and Whites…
Why is that? Can you figure it out?
Anyone that accepts their ideology is okay. Anyone that rejects is an infidel.
That is why an old racist white guy is their leader, and the Hodge twins are racist scum.
I seem to see a hypocrisy where Muslim nations that execute gays recieve no pressure from the left, but a Christian baker must comply with a cake oder.
To point out Muslims kill guys makes me an Islamophobe, but I was born this way.
At what point did the Arabs stop being intellectuals and a beacon of wisdom upon humanity? Why? Who benefited most in the region?
Why are there so many similarities between Catholics and Muslims?
Pelosi is a Catholic, but she hates the teachings of the Bible.
What is the pope? Who is his master?
That is a great question. I honestly have no clue.
Marxist Bolsheviks make no sense. Intentionally. They want us running in circles trying to make sense of the nonsensical.
The left is retarded. White people are a target of the globohomos. Why? Wreck the white race and America will fall. When America falls, the world falls, then they'll have a firm authoritarian grasp on the entire world.