Trump Will Be Arrested One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Four Days After the 1st Q Drop
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We're a pair of scaredy cats huh!
The way I feel about it is that I have to deal with dystopia every day in the news and analysis, and there's never a time when I have enough coping resources to add to the load with dystopian fiction, especially prescient fiction which was probably predictive programming. I might be able to watch the film if it turns up in front of me.
I read Crowley it doesn't kill your soul he just describes hermetic principle in a condescending asshole way. And basic spell craft.
It will need explosions and t and a for the majority, you are right about that. Sad! Before being an expert researcher on everything under the sun, its maybe a good idea to work your way up to being able to sit through a big boy movie first. Lol. I'm kidding obviously. We need shorter attention spans not longer. Too much span for evil to sneak past. Best to keep the mind shut!