You can try Don Jr pushed a small ad on telegram over a year ago. I've been getting monthly boxes of chicken breasts. They are very good. They also offer steaks and seafood. I haven't done a lot of research but the business was started by a family. Here's a little bit about their sources.
You can try Don Jr pushed a small ad on telegram over a year ago. I've been getting monthly boxes of chicken breasts. They are very good. They also offer steaks and seafood. I haven't done a lot of research but the business was started by a family. Here's a little bit about their sources.
Does there exist chickens that aren't fed corn or soy?
Yes ty for the link
Just placed my order
Thanks for the link but heck you can get on Craigslist or Facebook and search for local farms selling half or whole beef.
Thanks for the link. Looks good.