Many of us doubt that Resident Biden is the real Biden. What if the entire senior class of the "Biden Administration" are all actors and plea bargainers? After all. the DS has been able to run these psyops, why couldn't MI do the same? The Administration can't get anything meaningful started, and seem to go according to a script that only reveals their intentions. This may be obvious for others, but have you ever imagined this to be the case?
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So serious question here. If patriots are in control, does that mean they are simply allowing the deep state to show the world how bad they are? If that is the case though, then wouldn't the deep state know the patriots are actually in control and by doing this they are playing right into the hands of the patriots? Or are the patriots pulling the strings to have them commit these insane acts to show the world how bad they are? But if that scenario is the case, wouldn't that make the patriots the bad guys for essentially setting them up while forcing them to do shit that is intentionally destroying the country?
I really don't know. I think whatever is going on behind the scenes is some work of genius that I can't fathom. But I look at how things are playing out and it looks like a story is being told. Maybe they are using advanced AI to tell them which moves to make in a given situation? I don't know. Are the Patriots bad guys if they are letting bad things happen? I think that is a great question but what is the alternative? It is an unconventional war. And in this war maybe the good guys have to do unconventional and even maniplulative things to de-program the brainwashed masses in a way that is not too abrupt to cause the people to go mad. I think it is a gradual process by design. I think the goal may be something like this: Wake the people up in such a way as to make each person feel like they woke up on their own. This way each person experiences a transformative journey.
Think of it amplification to make it so over the top and obvious.
Good example is the poison jabs and how it was rolled out and forced so quickly. The original roll out would have taken years along with lockdowns. The DS/Cabal were planning to increase the number of people willing to accept poison jabs by trading away their freedom temporarily to avoid "lockdowns".