Many of us doubt that Resident Biden is the real Biden. What if the entire senior class of the "Biden Administration" are all actors and plea bargainers? After all. the DS has been able to run these psyops, why couldn't MI do the same? The Administration can't get anything meaningful started, and seem to go according to a script that only reveals their intentions. This may be obvious for others, but have you ever imagined this to be the case?
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Right the military doesn't make such a blatant "mistake".
Also they wouldn’t let Biden carry the wreath at the tomb of unknown soldiers
In fact, if such a mistake WAS made, the person who was responsible would have their ass handed to them. Just like the wrinkled flag on the caskets. If someone pulled that thing out of the dryer and draped it all wrinkled on an actual patriots casket, their ass would be handed to them.