So investigating and researching any of this leads you to the conclusion that "these evil people" must disclose what they are doing. And thus we see the evidence. Q says "symbolism will be their downfall".
Why? Why is that? If I was some head of an evil organization taking over the world. I would not bother with any of this. So what? we are only going to overcome this evil because they have some BS rule of disclosing what they are doing? They have to say something, just because?
So if I was truly evil, and wanted to take over everything. I would not care. Why would any of these people be bound by these "rules"?
I mean people that will literally torture, rape, and kill children are somehow bound by some code of conduct?! And they'll follow that code to their own death?!
It's really hard to believe. What do you think about any of this?
And what I'm finding hard to believe is simply why? I can follow the logic to how this stuff happens but why are we seeing the results we are seeing? That is what does not make sense to me. Any thoughts?
Here ya go