Fuck this bullshit. If it's illegal on the street, it's illegal online. Case closed end of story, no more censorship fight PERIOD.
Repeal the entire CDA. This law is basically a way of solving the problem of illegal content online, by making another problem. This law is unconstitutional at it's core. Here is how this issue should be handled:
If a user on a forum, app, or whatever posts illegal content, the webmaster must give away their IP address and any other info they have (email, username, phone number etc) to the proper cyber crimes division of law enforcement in their state. (if the user is behind a VPN etc then law enforcement must contact the VPN for the info! Yes they must! If foreign VPN wont divulge, then the issue must eventually rise to the level of compromising diplomatic relations with that country!)
If others discover the illegal content before the webmaster, they can report it to the police themselves, and the police would then have to contact the webmaster for the info. If needed, search warrants can be executed on webmasters who refuse to hand it over. If webmasters cannot be located then the web hosting provider should be contacted and asked for the webmaster's info. It just moves up the chain like anything else. Simple, constitutional, and eliminated the entire murk of bullshit caused by the CDA.
If a user on a forum, app or whatever posts content that the webmaster doesn't want on their site, it's the same as if someone in a store or bar says something the owner doesnt like. There are certain things that a store owner cannot refuse you service over, such as your political views, and other things that they can, such as you cursing out the clerk / other customers.
This whole thing has been purposefully confused and muddied by globohomo but in reality it is literally NO DIFFERENT than being on the street in public, with all the different websites being like different businesses. Other countries will have to figure out their own shit but WE have the Constitution. And if a user posts illegal content from another country, our law enforcement should contact theirs about it. And perhaps we could work something out! *edit: see WTFsocialismreally's comment below!
Oh, and if having sex in public is illegal, it's illegal on the internet. If whore houses are illegal, porn sites are illegal. If prostitution is illegal, onlyfans and cam whores are illegal. Poof, problem fucking solved LAWFULLY, clean and swift. Bye bye
It has always been about digital control. Every problem can be solved the common sense way or the way in which Cabal gets all the control.
However there is one legitimate problem that needs to be addressed, both in real life and online. Can you have a private business thats exclusive for a certain group of people, be it gender, political views etc? The answer should be YES. As long as that exclusivity is made clear from day 1 and you don't start off with allowing everyone initially, and then exclude groups you dont like once the club becomes a community landmark.
Same is true for places like dotwin and reddit etc. Each board needs to be able to exclude people based on any criteria, since they are communities. Without this, GAW would not be able to exist.
However, you cannot provide a service like, say Twitter, which is not meant to be a community, but rather for everyone - and then later on, once it becomes ubiquitous, you should not be able to throw our conservatives, or those who dont want their kids to be mutilated etc.