Here was my posts talking about the end of the covid emergencies marking the end of the war and upcoming Reprisals.
Here is a post talking about upcoming arrests and this post was based on Q post 988.
Now, lets look at the Q post 988 again, it is a 5 year delta today.
Something that I missed in Q post 988 that ties it to my first post. We see these 3 lines:
RR problems.
Seals broken.
Well, if you read that you may automatically think:
Rod Rosenstein will be in involved somehow.
Sealed indictments would be opened.
Arrests made.
If Q = 17, what does R represent?
R = 18.
What is 18.18?
It is the chapter for Reprisals in the DOD Law of War Manual.
18.18 REPRISALS: Page 1110
Stay safe My Frens!!!
Agreed. I got sidetracked thinking RR stood for Rod Rosenstein.
18.18 Law of War manual "reprisals" would be awesome... I hope it is true.