“What imprint will you leave in the sands of history? What will future Americans say we did in our brief time, right here on Earth?” President Donald J. Trump.
What is your Patriotic imprint for America or your country? What will future generations say about your part in destroying the Cabal during WWIII?
Until the end, Where We Go One We Go All, together with God! We Will Win!
Amen sis. U have such an awesome heart for God. I'm truly blessed to be on this walk with u and I'm excited to help however I can, once camp yesu gets up and running
Evil will lose because Donald Trump was correct = We are protected by God.
And this Country is filled with his children. The Lord will not abandon this Country or his children.
There are more of us than of them. No one can stay the Lords hand. ...... And it is coming.
Where is it Ryan? the camp Jesu...
Staff members from many kinds of backgrounds with many different skillsets will be needed. We will need full time, lifetime live in who will be housed with the kids. part time, guest teachers and pastor, doctor and security, rescue team, self defense, ranching, horticulture/gardening, crop management teachers of many kinds, livestock
background, survivalist, homesteading, foraging, adventure and outdoors etc; The plan is to cross train as many positions as possible.