Scoop: Anheuser Busch insider tells me execs are angry at release of Dylan Mulvaney can
It wasn’t posted on any AB/BL social medias & the leading theory is that a Leftist manager secretly did it on their own to push trans agenda
New PR statement expected
Possible lawsuit…

Ex-designer here. The idea this could be done in a rogue fashion is laughable. You have to get signed approval from at least 3 people when it comes to changing the leading and kerning of the font (the measured space between letters and words). That’s JUST for font size changing. I guarantee that can was put through a bunch of critiques and meetings. This is AB trying to cover their asses hoping no one understands the process of greenlighting something like this. Ridiculous.
No. Like most political stunts that have a degree of risk, they intentionally bypassed their usual blitz campaign of advertising with a soft release to gauge public interest. Now that their core audience is fucking livid, they have plausible deniability.
I believe you 100% and I believe this is the backtracking cover-their ass that's going on as described by Draino. They are full of crap and won't recover from this.
As another anon who works in advertising, you are spot on.
Plus, companies that large use legal to approve everything that is on the can before production.
100% you are right. What cowards to try and lie and pretend they had no idea. I hope their sales absolutely get hammered and everyone involved is fired.
As a current designer I 100% agree with this.
Clearly they misjudged the reception this would have and are trying to cover their asses and backtrack after it blew up in their faces.
Now I'm sure someone will be thrown under the bus as a sacrificial lamb in an attempt to damage control. The higher ups will never accept blame and will always pile it onto someone low on the totem pole.