Is RFK jr the fix for election fraud in 2024? πŸ—£οΈ DISCUSSION πŸ’¬
posted ago by AllowMeToExplain ago by AllowMeToExplain +62 / -0

I found it utterly befuddling the timing of his announcement. It is on the heels of a laughably bogus Trump indictment. Why would you announce today when you will get zilch for press?

Sure enough, MSM hits at him saying "Anti vaxer RFK jr announces challenge to Biden" indicating that RFK is a threat to them, not an ally. So I started thinking about why he would enter the race.

Right off the bat, you have to think that on name recognition alone, he'd start with around 30% of the dem vote. Perhaps higher. We know they don't want to run Pedo Peter because he is a liability. All the better if they do. But if they don't...who is on their bench that can beat RFK jr? It isn't Mayor Pete, Robert F. O'Rourke, or Kamala. So who do they run?

RFK can win enough delegates to carry the DNC nomination because he will clean house in red states that do not have mass mail voting. He will still get delegates in places like NY and CA. He will run away with it in the red states that they can't rig.

So what happens in the general? Who do they rig for? If they rig for RFK jr, this guy is out for blood for what they did to his dad and uncle. If they rig for Trump, he is similarly out for blood. It is a lose/lose situation for the DS. WTF are they gonna do?

Yes, this is spitballing. But right now I am thinking this makes the most sense. He can announce today and cause pandemonium in the apparatus. He doesn't need the publicity because he has name recognition. I think he'd mop the floor with anyone. And he might be the first dem I would ever vote for if some how a RINO wins the republican nomination.
