I want RFK Jr as Trumps running mate. Trump told us RFK Jr. would be the vaccine Czar (or something like that) then reneged. Some say Gates, some say BIG PHARMA, offered a lot of money for Trumps inauguration to get rid of RFK Jr.
In my opinion one of Trump's BIGGEST mistakes was when he did not make RFK, Jr. part of his administration. He was in talks with him and then it went nowhere. Believe me Fauci and Birx were another of Trump's mistakes...even though they were picked by Pence...lots of big money against Kennedy because of his vax stance...RFK, Jr is a true hero...
RfK, Jr. has a rare condition that only affects the vocal chords called spasmodic dysphonia. It is not something he has control over. That certainly doe not affect his intelligence or commitment to truth concerning vaccines.
I believe RFK Jr. would be an excellent president for the following reasons:
My friends who know RJK Jr. personally have told me he is a man of integrity who will do the right thing under challenging circumstances. This is very difficult to find in an elected official.
The primary obstacle to America’s success is the poor health of the nation. The primary reason for the poor health of this country is that the government is completely corrupt and continually puts forward health policies that benefit corporate interests and create sickness. In addition to RFK Jr. having done a lot of work on this issue by exposing the harms of vaccination, he has also shared many of the other common causes of sickness in our society no one is willing to touch. I believe he is probably the only person who could right the ship on the pervasive health issues our country is facing.
RFK Jr. is also fully aware of many of the other issues our country is facing and can likely improve them as well—remember two members of RFK Jr.’s immediate family were assassinated, most likely by the CIA, for opposing the entrenched interests within the US Government who do not care about the well being of the American people.
RFK Jr., because of his family background and personality can lead the United States in an effective and non-polarizing manner many will respect and listen to. This is crucial for the divided times we are living in now.
Because the amount of corruption in America has reached an unsustainable level, America is presently experiencing a rapid decline. For example, as Edward Dowd recently showed, Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccine which made them 11.5 billion dollars cost the US economy 295.4 billion dollars from the injuries deaths, and disabilities they caused (which is likely a very conservative estimate of their harms).
Damage like this is unsustainable to our infrastructure, and it is very possible within one to two decades we will no longer be the leading superpower and much of what we take for granted will no longer be available to us. This is the single most important issue for our country to address, and we need a candidate like RFK Jr. to win the presidential election in 2024 to address it.
Why RFK Jr. running for president will benefit us:
Candidates typically run for one of three reasons:
•To win the presidency.
•To promote a specific political issue.
•To promote themselves (many think this is why Trump initially ran).
I dream that RFK Jr. will win the presidency. However, even if he does not, because of the current political climate created by the COVID-19 vaccine disaster, he will likely be able to bring the vaccine issue to the general public’s attention.
Keep in mind that in the most recent election, Senator Ron Johnson (who was planning to retire) decided to seek another term solely so that he could be an advocate against the COVID-19 vaccines. Johnson became, as far as I know, the first federal candidate in history who was elected while running on a vaccine safety platform.
I applaud quality people running for president if they can help educate the masses about certain issues. I still want Trump or equivalent to win.
I want RFK Jr as Trumps running mate. Trump told us RFK Jr. would be the vaccine Czar (or something like that) then reneged. Some say Gates, some say BIG PHARMA, offered a lot of money for Trumps inauguration to get rid of RFK Jr.
I don’t believe a Trump would have accepted monies from a Big Pharma. He already had their number-corruption.
In my opinion one of Trump's BIGGEST mistakes was when he did not make RFK, Jr. part of his administration. He was in talks with him and then it went nowhere. Believe me Fauci and Birx were another of Trump's mistakes...even though they were picked by Pence...lots of big money against Kennedy because of his vax stance...RFK, Jr is a true hero...
The Story goes...Bill Gates offered trump $millions toward his inauguration on condition he had to steer clear of RFK.
I knew there was money involved...but I thought it was Big Pharma...which Gates seems part of anyway...all the same evil, really.
RfK, Jr. has a rare condition that only affects the vocal chords called spasmodic dysphonia. It is not something he has control over. That certainly doe not affect his intelligence or commitment to truth concerning vaccines.
A THIRD- RFK Jr. is a KENNEDY who the Deep State/New World Order eliminates.
•To win the presidency.
•To promote a specific political issue.
•To promote themselves (many think this is why Trump initially ran).
Didn't RFK Jr require his guests to be vaccinated to attend he and his wife's party?
A Midwestern Doctor? I wonder who it is.....