It's funny. Beer is the issue waking up normies.
Not stolen elections. Not killer vaccines. Not the men in women's sports. Not the take over of school districts by those with agendas. Not the drag queen kid shows. Not even the killing of innocents.
Putting that fuck head on beer seems to be the cultural tipping point. It's waking up normies like no other around the world and especially in this country.
Thank you Dylan. White hat, black hat, I don't care. You being on a beer can seems to be the push too far that seems to be righting this ship.
I do what I can.
Really though, this shit being on a beer can is finally waking up everybody as to how overwhelmingly prevalent this movement is.
And they don't like it.
Problem is, now they see it, they can't turn it off. They see rainbow flags and LGBTQ stamped on everything now. I'm loving the backlash
These companies have to force it no matter the cost. It's not about the money aspect, or even making profits. It's about a message, and pledging allegiance to the cult. And boy is it a cult.