I'm beginning to think Stormy Daniels is a White Hat operative to entrap these corrupt officials! Think about it. It sort of makes sense why the Trump organization would pay her in the first place.
She's uncovering someone's 'misdeeds'. (Michael Cohen, Avanetti and now Alvin Bragg). Cohen & Avanetti = Jail time & Bragg soon to be after Trump lawyers counter-sue! Trump has already stated it's a felony to leak the info & that Bragg is the culprit who should be indicted! These corrupt officials/lawyers are all Soros backed!
Why keep 'resurrecting' Stormy Daniels vs. Trump?
Gateway Pundit's Joe Hoff was on Devolution Power Hour at the 22:00 minute mark https://rumble.com/v2gbgww-badlands-daily-4523-wed-1000-am-et-.html Joe said the Trump organization most likely hires 1000's of accounting professionals. In the numerous Trump entities these accounting personnel submit accounts receivables/payable and it would be nearly impossible for Trump to know these menial/tedious business transactions and the intricate workings of his all encompassing accounting transactions for each Trump business entity.
I think this will heat up in the months to come! (Bragg enters the Trump quick sand!!)
Stormy Daniels is a member of NXIVM.
Go to 1:56 for a witness account in this Mr Truthbomb video: https://rumble.com/v21km0c-nxivm-from-the-film-pedogate-part-2-the-deep-state-war-series-episode-seven.html
Maybe Stormy doesn't even know she is a white hat operative!
She is the dope on the rope. If FISA works both ways, they know how to play her without her being on their side.
NXIVM and DTS easy combo to counter and to manipulate.
Trump loves to have other people set them self's up and he also lets them enviably funk them selfs up. He baits them in very easily.
Yeah, this sounds more plausible.. If "Stormy" is merely a coincidence then that is truly funny.
"There is a Storm Cumming" 🤔
Perhaps like Trump has been an FBI operative for many years, Stormy could be an 'insider' and an informant of NXIVM. I just keep wondering about all the resurrection of the Stormy narrative!
Remember it was Trump who assisted Rudy Guiliani in prosecuting the NYC mobsters.
Yes, there have been many "insider."