What a great article...I love Mike Rowe...what a great down to earth guy...and he is a very talented singer ...opera, no less...
"On Labor Day 2008, he launched the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, which was essentially a PR campaign for the millions of unfilled jobs desperate for skilled workers. Over the years, the foundation has given $6.7 million in scholarships to nearly 1,500 people with a strong work ethic and the desire to pursue a career in the skilled trades."
As Rowe says: “Don’t follow your passion—bring it with you.”
What a great article...I love Mike Rowe...what a great down to earth guy...and he is a very talented singer ...opera, no less...
"On Labor Day 2008, he launched the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, which was essentially a PR campaign for the millions of unfilled jobs desperate for skilled workers. Over the years, the foundation has given $6.7 million in scholarships to nearly 1,500 people with a strong work ethic and the desire to pursue a career in the skilled trades."
As Rowe says: “Don’t follow your passion—bring it with you.”
It is too bad I rarely use FB anymore because he wrote some great stuff over there.