Bill 36 (passed) in Brittish Columbia punishes doctors who advise their patients about the potential dangers of the jab or admit to patient injury by the jab. This is censorship "with teeth" meant to reinforce mandates and silence dissenting voices.
🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸
Canada is lost, their people have lost the will to fight. We will have to clean up Canada forcibly after we take our own country back.
The vast majority never had the will in the first place. Yes, there are absolutely patriot canidians but nowhere near enough to make any difference. We absolutely will need to intervene in Canada.
Just like in the States, there are more Patriots in Canada than not. Our tyrants in Power do not listen to the People, just like everywhere else, and ram “Bills” and Legislation through that are not even allowed debate anymore. Our media is even worse than the States, and will not report it, but most of us get our info elsewhere, anyway.
Clean up your own Country first, please. We will take of ours, ourselves. I, and others, don’t like threats. Especially those that come from other countries. We are done with them. Besides, those that try to “clean up Canada”, or “Intervene in Canada” are most likely to be tyrants in their own right.
Regardless, Blessings.