Several batches of the jab have been analyzed and the contents of the vials, even in a single batch, have ranged from near-saline to heavily contaminated with all sorts of things -- both poor quality control and purposeful variation have been observed. That's surely one reason for the variable response to the "vaccines."
Another reason is, for example, that whether the tip of the needle ends up IN A BLOOD VESSEL or just in muscle fiber determines whether the toxins etc get immediately pumped all around the body or not.
Some of the vaxxed may never have any damage from the shot; those who got saline would clearly have no negative or positive effect. But the statistical evidence for toxicity of the "vaccine" is overwhelming. Not everyone got the same concoction but millions of people got enough of something bad that life insurance companies, embalmers and funeral home owners, the VAERS database, government database info from other nations, and a whole LOT of other sources show dramatic and far-beyond-chance elevations in excess deaths, in cancer (including very aggressive cancers), in heart disease and strokes, in neurological damage, and more. See Steve Kirsch and Jessica Rose (among many others) for past and ongoing details.
Several batches of the jab have been analyzed and the contents of the vials, even in a single batch, have ranged from near-saline to heavily contaminated with all sorts of things -- both poor quality control and purposeful variation have been observed. That's surely one reason for the variable response to the "vaccines."
Another reason is, for example, that whether the tip of the needle ends up IN A BLOOD VESSEL or just in muscle fiber determines whether the toxins etc get immediately pumped all around the body or not.
Some of the vaxxed may never have any damage from the shot; those who got saline would clearly have no negative or positive effect. But the statistical evidence for toxicity of the "vaccine" is overwhelming. Not everyone got the same concoction but millions of people got enough of something bad that life insurance companies, embalmers and funeral home owners, the VAERS database, government database info from other nations, and a whole LOT of other sources show dramatic and far-beyond-chance elevations in excess deaths, in cancer (including very aggressive cancers), in heart disease and strokes, in neurological damage, and more. See Steve Kirsch and Jessica Rose (among many others) for past and ongoing details.