By now of us have figured out that narratives from either party are usually bullshit. But for some odd reason, the issue of illegal immigration is one that people still haven’t seen for what it is. I am not really sure why that is. And people generally blame the symptoms and demand fixes for the symptoms. Which predictably won’t end the way they think it will.
We have had the identical argument on illegal immigration since the 60s. Nothing changes. We have a legal system woefully inadequate to deal with the issue. For example: there are about 630 immigration judges across the country. There is a case backlog of over 2 million and climbing. That backlog is simply not possible to clear. For longer than I’ve been alive, the system has been broken.
I have my own theories, but the purpose of this post is not to persuade you to think like I do. It is to get you to think and find the flaws in your reasoning. So I will point some things out and am looking forward to what thoughts come to your minds.
We destabilize Mexico, Central & South America with government coups and other shenanigans - 1954 Guatemala; 1961 Cuba (bay of pigs); 1964 Brazil; 1965 Dominican Republic; 1970s Argentina & Chile; 1980s Nicaragua; 1983 Grenada; 1989 Panama; 2002 Venezuela (oddly Clinton got Chavez out of jail to run for president); 2009 Honduras…I could go on
There is a drug trafficking business with annual revenues larger than most of the world’s largest corporations.
There are massive numbers of human trafficking into the southeastern United States.
GW Bush installed a known narco ally as president of Colombia in 2002.
government funded NGOs drive large numbers of people to the border and advise them on how to get in
government incentivizes illegal entry with birth right citizenship and subsidies for food, medical, and housing.
the only regular immigration enforcement is against US business owners for employing people that shouldn’t be here. And such laws would be unnecessary if the government did their job at the border.
government pays Americans to not work
we don’t teach trades/skilled labor; many schools in large cities will give you a diploma with straight F’s as long as you show up at least half the time…massive student loans for meaningless degrees
the most exploitive immigrant labor comes from lawful seasonal worker programs; large numbers of illegals have incomes above the median.
So with these thoughts in mind:
A) how can the border ever get sealed when there is so much money involved with leaving it open?
B) how can we disincentivize illegal entry when their home country is destabilized, chaotic, violent, and economically unsound because of US government policies/actions?
C) why do we want private business, under criminal penalty, to enforce laws that Uncle Sam outright refuses to enforce?
D) why is the focus on the illegals themselves and not the reasons/ways they are here?
E) Does deporting everyone found here illegally have any meaningful impact on the drug/human trafficking problem?
F) with the exception of the border wall (where there was one), has any enforcement action made a dent in this issue?
This isn’t an exhaustive list; just food for thought. Ask yourself if your personal beliefs on this issue are focused on root cause solutions. Am curious what you think.
But you have to agree it is like it is because the people in power want it to be that is a multi-faceted problem...with the drug and human trafficking being perhaps the biggest component...but I believe everywhere people are suffering because of the burden placed on our housing, schools, social services and hospitals/medical services. But I believe that is exactly what "they" want to happen.
Absolutely this is by design. They want it like this. Our focus is misplaced. It is on the people leaving the dismal conditions in their home countries. The problems they cause here pale in comparison to the drug trafficking and human trafficking. While we are all side tracked with “they took r jerbs!!” The DS is busy raking in billions from illicit businesses. We should be focused on government, politicians, and the DS. Solve that, and the rest takes care of itself.