If they were planning on putting MRNA in our livestock/dairy...
... why would they tell us? What's more, what is their official rationale for doing this? Are they still trying to make us think that we should fear Covid meat? Just want to start a discussion here.
Good question. I think it's to cause FEAR. They said they would stop us from eating meat...... so they make us fear the meat. They said we wouldn't be flying and now we are told to fear the planes crashing from pilots being injected..... FEAR CONTROLS. I think the crap has to be injected into the person to really work.
Most likely scenario. Plus, remember how one of the vaxx'es (Pfizer I think it was) had to be maintained at a very low temp until it was injected. All of the vaxx'es had to be kept in a particular temperature range or they would go bad. So you buy some meat, take it home, heat it on the grill or in the crockpot to at least 165 F, and what happens to any contaminants? And how could they control dosage in such a hare-brained scheme? The entire idea is ridiculous.
not just that. the next question is: does _____ withstand the hydrochloric acid in the stomach?
How strong do you really think that acid is, amigo? Do people go to the ER after vurps? Does a vomit kill us? "C'mon man!"
After vomiting for 9 months twice, I have cavities along the gum line 40 years later. The cause is two pregnancies. I also have Barrett's Esophagus caused by stomach acid. This can cause cancer and my dad died of it. I had gastric bypass and no more stomach acid in the esophagus. Even a weak acid that you are exposed to constantly can cause damage.