I think he is alluding to the infamous oval office meeting on the last day of the Obama admin where Joe, Barry, Comey, Brennan and Rice discussed it. There may have been more people there but these were the main players. So Jan 2017 would be correct. These days were the origin of crossfire hurricane even though they offically say it began on July 31, 2017. It was right after the Special Agent in Charge of the investigation wrote a memo stating they had nothing on Trump. Remember "there is no there, there" from the lovers texts?
After the meeting Rice wrote a email to herself in an attempt to remove culpability or create plausible deniability. I cant remember the exact wording but if you go to the Treehouse there will be a few articles detailing this meeting in the archives.
People need to bone up on FISAgate and everything Russia, Russia, Russia. Its going to become important when they go after Barry, Brennan, Rice, Jarrett, Comey, Stroczk, McCabe, RR and Clapper. This is where their treason charges lie.
The Conservative Treehouses archives are a great place for this. Nobody was more on top of this than Sundance was.
Shouldn't that be Jan 16
I think he is alluding to the infamous oval office meeting on the last day of the Obama admin where Joe, Barry, Comey, Brennan and Rice discussed it. There may have been more people there but these were the main players. So Jan 2017 would be correct. These days were the origin of crossfire hurricane even though they offically say it began on July 31, 2017. It was right after the Special Agent in Charge of the investigation wrote a memo stating they had nothing on Trump. Remember "there is no there, there" from the lovers texts?
After the meeting Rice wrote a email to herself in an attempt to remove culpability or create plausible deniability. I cant remember the exact wording but if you go to the Treehouse there will be a few articles detailing this meeting in the archives.
People need to bone up on FISAgate and everything Russia, Russia, Russia. Its going to become important when they go after Barry, Brennan, Rice, Jarrett, Comey, Stroczk, McCabe, RR and Clapper. This is where their treason charges lie.
The Conservative Treehouses archives are a great place for this. Nobody was more on top of this than Sundance was.
He meant January 2017