posted ago by Hot_N_Throbbin ago by Hot_N_Throbbin +145 / -1

Super cool and open minded chick.. Into herbalism and natural healing, tinctures & extracts, great apocalyptic scenario copilot. 😂 She had a bit of cognitive dissonance at first, past hatred towards Trump cause of status quo and whatnot, also had a BLM border on a past Facebook pic....

Was in awe in the beginning, took a bit of coincidence weaving for her to start fully seeing the scope & magnitude, & how the same key players names come up within the sick twisted web of lies.... She teared up as most do when learning about Pizzagate and the child stuff, and proclaimed to me "Theres no way I (she) can close that door now".. I've been having to walk with her through her own personal precipice..

She asked me about certain music artists she enjoys, and if they were involved in any way, on the flight logs, in the black book etc lol... you cant look at ANYTHING the same after wakin' up.

She was asking for "more redpills" (documentaries, proofs) by the third date lol. In 4 dates we've already watched (in this order) "Plan to save the world" Entire "Fall of the Cabal" "Out of Shadows"
3/4 of "Mouthy Buddha"s videos on Bitchute "Ultimate Q proofs volume 1" Amongst other vids and documents, executive orders,

Now I can get into more depth with the documentaries, "Eyes of the Devil" for the child trafficking and probably like.. Some "Sequel to the Fall of Cabal" next,, and maybe "How big oil Conquered the world" & "Europa" for cabal history come to mind.

Just thought I'd share 😊

It's truly amazing to see rational people actually able to have these epiphany and see them happen in real time. All questions comments suggestions welcome.