Yea, never should have done that (for sure). But there are so many other ways to not comply. Protest. Don't let politicians into their offices. Block roads. Stop paying city bills. Get some lawyers with b@lls to go after this stripping of freedom. Knock out the Internet making it impossible for people to work from home.
IDK. Its just so painful to see NZ'ers suffering and stripped of freedoms.
100% agree with everything you said. It's sad and tragic. Thx for the post BTW. I honestly didn't know there were STILL countries enforcing these ridiculous quarantine measures.
Because wee Chippy, who is Jacinda's lapdog, is doubling down. The government changed medicine safety to bring the poison in. That in itself is a crime, but hey, it's the law now. Oh, and Jacinda was very keen to de-register and de-platform any doctors who spoke out about that. They locked down the entire country with a screeching alarm that was bumped into everyone's phone, when ONE case was detected via the fraudulent PCR test.
Since then, they have moved to the even more fallible RAT tests, pretending to look like one of those pregnancy tests - if a stripe appears, then that's proof. Never mind that orange juice can make a stripe appear.
Now, they are covering their tracks - i.e. proving to the sheep that there 'really exists a scary disease', when someone feels they have a sore throat. Workplaces are demanding RAT tests and confining people in their homes if they test 'positive' - whatever that means. In reality, people just get a week off, regardless of whether they are actually sick or not - it's just the stripe on the gadget.
And of course, Vaxxies are falling like flies. Funny that.
In some respects, the enforced isolation could be viewed as a good thing, because NZers were chronic for turning up at work, sick, because they did not have anymore sick-leave to use up. Five statutory sick-days a year was simply a stupid benchmark to begin with. With real circulating and extremely uncomfortable bugs, such as Norovirus, it was a big problem, because one is infectious for about two weeks after the first symptoms show, and when that happens, entire organizations are brought to their knees. People would go back to work when their sick-leave ran out. simple Maff. But never mind, the common cold now grants people a week of Netflix. That's stupid, because there are no 'tests' for a host of other diseases, JUST the sniffles.
Not that I advocate for disease screening at all. IMO If you feel sick, don't go to work. If you feel well, go to work. End of. some people won't use any of their sick leave, and some people could need way more than just the stat 5 days. Them's the breaks.
There is a construction company in my town that employs about thirty builders. Last week there were only three of them working, because muh isolations. So much for the Labour government running on a ticket of building 100 000 more houses (yay, said the voters) - that all went rather quiet - as is the construction industry. But hey, the Marxists don't actually want more houses. That would mean more landlords, and we all know what they think of landlords...
I think there's gonna be another vax mandate - there are plenty of willing enforcers wandering about who wish that antivaxxers are banned from society. It's shocking, because the ones who avoided the jab are doing most of the work these days. It's bad enough forcing the sick vaxxies to go home for a week.
WTF?!?! Hasn't the rest of the world pretty much figured this farce out by now? Why is NZ still playing this game? And why are NZ'ers complying?
They gave up their guns! Nevertheless they can use pitchforks and torches and rise up against the tyrants. πThey need our prayersπ
Yea, never should have done that (for sure). But there are so many other ways to not comply. Protest. Don't let politicians into their offices. Block roads. Stop paying city bills. Get some lawyers with b@lls to go after this stripping of freedom. Knock out the Internet making it impossible for people to work from home.
IDK. Its just so painful to see NZ'ers suffering and stripped of freedoms.
I felt pain in my heart when I read the headline. The kiwis are such beautiful warm and loving human beings. What they are doing to them awful.
100% agree with everything you said. It's sad and tragic. Thx for the post BTW. I honestly didn't know there were STILL countries enforcing these ridiculous quarantine measures.
Because wee Chippy, who is Jacinda's lapdog, is doubling down. The government changed medicine safety to bring the poison in. That in itself is a crime, but hey, it's the law now. Oh, and Jacinda was very keen to de-register and de-platform any doctors who spoke out about that. They locked down the entire country with a screeching alarm that was bumped into everyone's phone, when ONE case was detected via the fraudulent PCR test.
Since then, they have moved to the even more fallible RAT tests, pretending to look like one of those pregnancy tests - if a stripe appears, then that's proof. Never mind that orange juice can make a stripe appear.
Now, they are covering their tracks - i.e. proving to the sheep that there 'really exists a scary disease', when someone feels they have a sore throat. Workplaces are demanding RAT tests and confining people in their homes if they test 'positive' - whatever that means. In reality, people just get a week off, regardless of whether they are actually sick or not - it's just the stripe on the gadget.
And of course, Vaxxies are falling like flies. Funny that.
In some respects, the enforced isolation could be viewed as a good thing, because NZers were chronic for turning up at work, sick, because they did not have anymore sick-leave to use up. Five statutory sick-days a year was simply a stupid benchmark to begin with. With real circulating and extremely uncomfortable bugs, such as Norovirus, it was a big problem, because one is infectious for about two weeks after the first symptoms show, and when that happens, entire organizations are brought to their knees. People would go back to work when their sick-leave ran out. simple Maff. But never mind, the common cold now grants people a week of Netflix. That's stupid, because there are no 'tests' for a host of other diseases, JUST the sniffles.
Not that I advocate for disease screening at all. IMO If you feel sick, don't go to work. If you feel well, go to work. End of. some people won't use any of their sick leave, and some people could need way more than just the stat 5 days. Them's the breaks.
There is a construction company in my town that employs about thirty builders. Last week there were only three of them working, because muh isolations. So much for the Labour government running on a ticket of building 100 000 more houses (yay, said the voters) - that all went rather quiet - as is the construction industry. But hey, the Marxists don't actually want more houses. That would mean more landlords, and we all know what they think of landlords...
I think there's gonna be another vax mandate - there are plenty of willing enforcers wandering about who wish that antivaxxers are banned from society. It's shocking, because the ones who avoided the jab are doing most of the work these days. It's bad enough forcing the sick vaxxies to go home for a week.
Well I guess NZ is one of the last holdouts for the plandemic hoax.
Oh gee, look at the news today in the UK.
Just in time for the WHO's 'pandemic' sovreignity to be put to use ππ
One of the 'symptoms in children' is 'itchy eyes'.
They've even named this 'Arcturus' bollocks after a currently very active SELF-PROMOTING MRNA VACCINE DEVELOPER.
Rabid pigs would be too good to eat these cunts' innards alive.
They need to roll out their 15 minute cities β¦ what better way than while people are locked up. Gods vengeance is nothing to laugh at. Cheers Anon