She bought Madonna tickets. {750$for 3 tickets} Firstly, she had the gall to ask me if I wanted to go. After I snidely asked if Madonna were aborting herself on stage as an encore, my wife got the picture that there's no way in hell I was going to go.
Between this and her frequent use of TikTok, the day to day war of mine has now threatened to sow the seeds of dissent in my home.
The more I learn about how encompassing Clown World is, how embedded its been in every form of communication ever since the printing press and the telegram, the MORE sympathy I have towards normies, not less.
We have far, far more in common with triple-vaxxed Cheryl from HR than we will ever have with a Elite born Comms Aware. That is how many illusions we as non-Comms Aware are under. I'm talking fundamental truths about the world and human history.
Every taste, every hobby, every childhood behavior (for myself it is liking Japanese videogames and anime) is by Design. A fondness for celebs is absolutely by Design.